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Informative Handouts from Dr. Gaul

Breast Screening Prep    300.02

The Role of Infrared Technology in Assessing Breast Health  300.03

Breastfeeding Suggestions and Benefits    400.01

Condoms    400.02

DES (Diethylstilbestrol)    400.03

Fertility Drugs    400.04

Fertility Questionnaire     400.05

Fibrocystic Breast Disease    400.06

Homeopathics for Labor and Delivery    400.07

Mastitis    400.08

Materia Medica for Birthing    400.09

Menopause    400.10

Morning Sickness    400.11

Overview of Contraceptive Techniques    400.12

PMS    400.13

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome    400.14

Pre-Conception Protocols     400.15

Pregnancy Herbs    400.16

Progesterone Cream (2-3%) Instructions     400.17

Progesterone Cream Info    400.18

The Anti-Estrogenic Diet   400.19

UTI- Women’s Health     400.20

Sexual Health

Condoms    1300.01

Fertility in Men and Women    1300.02

Kegel Exercises for Men and Impotency    1300.03

Neural Therapy and Sexual Health    1300.04

Overview of Contraceptive Techniques    1300.05

Safe Sex Practices    1300.06

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